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May 14, 2024
DUI Penalties Repeat Offenses

Prior Alcohol Offenses: If you are charged with DUI or DWAI and have one or more prior alcohol related driving offenses on your record, you will need an experienced DUI Attorney to assist you through you the court battle you will face. The Penalties for Repeat DUI Offenses are extreme. I have helped OVER ONE […]

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May 14, 2024
Vehicular Homicide

VEHICULAR HOMICIDE – DUI In Colorado, a driver who is substantially incapable of safely operating a motor vehicle due to alcohol or drugs and whom causes the death of another person, is guilty of VEHICULAR HOMICIDE-DUI as a class 3 felony. VEHICULAR HOMICIDE – RECKLESS DRIVING. In Colorado, a person who drives a motor vehicle […]

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December 11, 2023
Reckless Driving Verses Caresless Driving

What is the difference between Reckless Driving and Careless Driving? RECKLESS DRIVING  Reckless Driving is more severe under the law than Careless Driving.Reckless Driving is defined as: Driving a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or low-power scooter in such a manner as to indicate either a wanton or a willful disregard for the safety of […]

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November 27, 2023
What Constitutes Drunk Driving Under Colorado Law?

Summer is party time for many in Colorado with all the holiday celebrations, family gatherings, barbecues and block parties going on. Beer, wine and liquor are often served at these events and most people drink responsibly. However, there will always be those who make the risky decision to drive after drinking. This could possibly lead […]

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November 17, 2023
Are Breath Tests Accurate?

If a police officer suspects that you’re driving drunk, then you’ll probably be asked to submit to a blood or breath test. Many drivers choose the latter, which can end up with them testing with a blood alcohol concentration higher than the legal limit. When that happens, it’s easy to think that your criminal case […]

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November 15, 2023
How is a Preliminary Test Relevant in a Colorado DUI/DWI Case?

When there is an investigation and an arrest for driving under the influence in Colorado, those facing charges will immediately think about the potential consequences for a conviction. The evidence law enforcement and prosecutors use frequently involves the results of a breathalyzer or a blood test. For example, if a person submits to the breathalyzer […]

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November 10, 2023
How Does Drugged Driving Differ From Drunk Driving?

Especially with recreational marijuana use being legal in Colorado, there are more people in this state who may find themselves facing a DUI or DWAI because of marijuana in their system. The laws against DUI and DWAI do not single out marijuana. Basically, if a person operates a vehicle while legally under the influence in […]

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November 2, 2023
Make Sober Decisions When Pulled Over for DUI

The best precaution against being pulled over for suspected DUI is staying sober before you drive or seeking a ride with a ride service or friend if you drank too much.  But if you find yourself in the legally perilous position of a DUI stop, you should take these precautions. Respect Remaining calm and keeping […]

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October 27, 2023
Fighting Back Against Drunk Driving Charges

When an officer pulls a driver over, there could be a number of reasons for their actions. Sometimes their observations are based on past experiences with other drivers, a pressure to fill quotas, or just a critical view of your driving habits. At the time they approach the vehicle, they do not yet have any […]

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October 20, 2023
Be on the Lookout for How You Can Attack Field Sobriety Tests

If a law enforcement officer suspects that you’re driving drunk, then they’re going to do everything in their power to generate evidence that can be used against you in court. A breathalyzer test can certainly be powerful in the prosecution’s case, but before the police can get to the point of conducting a breathalyzer test […]

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