Vehicular assault is a serious charge that can drastically impact an individual’s life, often leading to severe legal consequences and long-term implications. Vehicular assault charges are often filed when a driver causes serious injury to another person while driving recklessly or
under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you are facing a vehicular assault charge in Denver, it’s crucial to have a skilled and compassionate attorney by your side who will fight for your future. At Albani Law, we specialize in defending clients against vehicular assault charges, ensuring that their rights are protected at every step.
The stakes are even higher if the accident results in more tragic consequences. If the accident results in the death of another person, the driver may face additional charges, such as
vehicular homicide, which can carry life-altering penalties. These are extremely serious charges, and without the right legal defense, you could face years in prison and other severe punishments. Albani Law understands the gravity of these charges and is prepared to provide you with an aggressive defense strategy tailored to your case.
The penalties for vehicular assault are severe, especially when alcohol,
drugs, or reckless behavior are involved. In cases where a driver has a prior
felony DUI conviction, felony vehicular assault charges can also be filed, increasing the potential penalties significantly. These charges can affect not only your freedom but also your personal and professional life. Having an experienced attorney who knows how to navigate the complexities of such cases is essential to ensuring the best possible outcome.
At Albani Law, we have the experience and resources to defend you against vehicular assault charges and other serious criminal offenses. Albani Law has the experience and resources to defend you against vehicular assault charges and other serious criminal offenses, such as homicide or
domestic violence. Don’t wait—schedule a free consultation today to discuss your case and explore your legal options. We are here to fight for your rights and your future.
Colorado law defines vehicular assault as reckless driving or driving under the influence that results in serious injuries to another person. These are the three components that constitute vehicular assault.
Reckless driving is any driving that shows a complete disregard for any person or other driver on the road. This can include things like excessively speeding, blowing through stop signs and red lights, weaving in and out of traffic, and more. Any act of driving that poses a threat to other drivers on the road is considered reckless driving.
Driving under the influence is a serious offense in and of itself, let alone when paired with vehicular assault. In Colorado, any individual operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol with a BAC .08% or higher is subject to a DUI charge. You can also receive a DUI for driving under the influence of drugs, including marijuana and prescribed medications. For more information on DUI law in Colorado, visit our DUI & DWAI Overview page.
In Colorado, vehicular assault is classified as a felony. The penalties and the charge will typically vary depending on the severity of the incident.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs results in a Class 4 Felony, which can result in anywhere between 2 and 6 years in prison and up to $500,000 in fines. The accused will also be placed on a mandatory parole for 3 years.
A vehicular assault charge that resulted from reckless driving and did not involve any alcohol or drugs will be awarded a Class 5 Felony. A Class 5 Felony in Colorado can land an individual between 1 and 3 years in prison and fines up to $100,000. There will also be a mandatory parole period of 2 years.
A vehicular assault charge can truly alter an individual’s life. It is a serious offense that comes with serious consequences. Having a felony on your record can also have a negative impact on many different areas of your life. If you are facing a vehicular assault charge, we strongly urge you to reach out to Albani Law for legal representation. We have the experience and the prowess to effectively defend against these charges. Schedule a free consultation today to see how we can help in your case.